Customer Portal Access and eBilling Enrollment

Register today to access your current bill, payment options, bill history, usage charts, contact information and to view other helpful information. You’ll also have the option to get emailed bills by going paperless.
Registration Form
Customer Portal and E-Billing Terms and Conditions:
Please read the following terms and conditions. By agreeing to use our electronic billing (e-billing) system, you agree to the following:
1. You understand that e-billing is provided only for your convenience, should you choose to utilize it. You are responsible for any amounts and/or fees (including late fees) owed or due to Desert Water Agency.
2. You are responsible for payment even if your e-bill is not received. The same is true of a paper bill.
3. The Agency is not responsible for electronic communications that bounce back, are removed by SPAM filters, or do not reach your inbox for any reason.
4. Payment may be made to the Agency through online payment, telephone payment, payment drop off, or mail in payment.
5. Billing errors will be handled in the same way that they are for traditional Agency bills.
6. Much like a normal paper bill, account history information and e-bills may have errors. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Agency.
7. The Agency will send the customer an updated bill if a billing error is detected.
8. The Agency will not rent, sell or otherwise make your account or contact information available to third parties, unless required by law.
9. You agree to make the Agency aware of email address changes.
10. If you would like to opt out of e-billing, please call our offices at 760-323-4971. You can also opt out of e-billing at
By accepting, you agree that you have read and understand the terms of the Agency’s e-billing program. Once enrolled, you will no longer receive paper bills unless it is a final notice.